prvious compositions (1990-92, rev. 2017-19)
In this album compositions are summarized, which were created in the years 1990 to 1992, performed for the first time in the context of concerts and presentations by the »Zentrum für Elektronische Musik« (ZeM, Freiburg i.Br.) and revised in the years 2017 to 2019. Some of the pieces are published in their original version on following pages, partly complete, partly in cut-outs.
»Shaking« – extracted from the soundinstallation »For Heavens Shake« – was divided into two parts (opening and conclusion), in which up to four different sound layers are played simultaneously.
The »Three Interludes« were created in 1992. The originally – almost a 15 minutes lasting – piece was shortened, condensed and divided into three sections.
The revisions were done with AbletonLive.
An occasional noise is the sonic patina of the 1990s.