Concerts (Selection)
Perspektiven, Heilbronn: Music for Cello and Live Electronic Friedrich Gauwerky (Cello), Joachim Stange-Elbe (Electronic) [more info…] |
Forum Neue Musik: Anniversary for Sofia Gubaidulina [more info…] | |
Forum Neue Musik: Music for Cello and Live Electronic Friedrich Gauwerky (Cello), Joachim Stange-Elbe (Electronic) [more info…] |
Participation at 9th Klangkunst Festival by Klang-Galerie Preetz (16th Peetzer Kulturnacht) | |
Soundinstallation at the exhibition »Kneipenskizzen« of the Montagsmaler in Hamburg |
Participation at 20th Noise Factory Workshop | |
Performance with sound-poems at ParkArt on Clemenswerth Castle ParkArt @ Clemenswerth Castle 9. & 10. 8. 2014 [more info…] |
Konzert der Stille (Concert of Silence) | |
BACHdimensional [the electronic art of fugue] Marienkirche Stralsund in the context of »Die lange Nacht des Denkmals« [more (german only) ...] selections of the synthesizer-version of J.S. Bachs »Art of Fugue« |
BACHdimensional [the electronic art of fugue] Christianskirche Hamburg-Ottensen synthesizer-version of J.S. Bachs »Art of Fugue« |
BACHdimensional [the electronic art of fugue] Universitätskirche Rostock synthesizer-version of J.S. Bachs »Art of Fugue« |
37th Bachtage in Würzburg BACHdimensional [the electronic art of fugue] synthesizer-version of J.S. Bachs »Art of Fugue« (first release) |
Second award at 5th composition contest for Synthesizer- and Computermusic »Neue Akademie Braunschweig e.V.« |
Soundinstallation »Elektronische Kunst ist anders«, Freiburg | |
Concerts in the context of »Zentrum für Elektronische Musik Freiburg e.V.« |